The mission of IEEE SAC is “To deliver a common, high quality IEEE Student member experience globally, for lifelong, professional success through IEEE membership.” In the Region 5, the SAC team is a 5 member team with a chair and for student representatives. The SAC team strives to

  • Strengthen partnership between student members, student branches in the Region 5 and IEEE Region 5 and its sections.
  • Provide support and resources for success of student members and student branches.
  • Encourage student members to involve themselves in various IEEE activities including technical and professional development.

Student Activity Committee members

MGA Student Activity Committee

MGA SAC is the IEEE volunteer committee responsible for student programs and benefits. The Student Branch Resources page has helpful information regarding online reporting and other student branch resources.

For more information on student activity material: contest rules, contacts, guidebooks, fun stuff, etc, visit (and Like!) the R5 SAC Facebook page.

Student Activity News

The following are excerpts from recent posts.  Click on the title to display the complete news post.

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