IEEE EA Education Life Cycle

Below you’ll see the “IEEE Educational Activities Role of Lifelong Learning” with a number of “blue” check marks.   When you click on one of the check marks, a pop-up showing multimedia content will appear to describe the educational program, benefit, or volunteer opportunity as an IEEE member.  Most of the multi-media content should have a video and text providing a link to the appropriate IEEE webpage.

Hopefully, in the future, the current AI-assisted videos found in the checkmarks will be replaced by real spokesperson.

Note:  The “blue” check marks found on the Young Professional is tailored for the IEEE Pikes Peak Section.  If there are enough interest, other sections can embed the code in their website that can be found in the lower left part of the image.  Dr John Santiago, Region 5 Educational Activity Coordinator (REAC) and webmaster for the IEEE Pikes Peak Section, can provide guidance if anyone is interested.