About the Section
Pikes Peak Section’s Vision, Mission and Strategic Goals (Jul 2020), Updated: 19 Dec 2022
NOTE: Below this slide presentation are video tabs of:
(1) IEEE Strategic Plan
(2) Pike’s Peak Section’s History and Achievements

IEEE – IEEE Strategic Plan 2020-2025
- Trust: being a trusted and unbiased source of technical information, and forums, for technical dialog and collaboration.
- Growth and nurturing: encouraging education as a fundamental activity of engineers, scientists, and technologists at all levels and at all times; ensuring a pipeline of students to preserve the profession.
- Global community building: cultivating active, vibrant, and honest exchange among cross-disciplinary and interdisciplinary global communities of technical professionals.
- Partnership: promoting a culture of respect for the employee and volunteer, valuing contributions at all levels of the organization, investing in training and development to enhance capabilities, empowering individuals to make a positive difference, and building a membership organization based on a strong volunteer-staff partnership to serve the profession.
- Service to humanity: leveraging science, technology, and engineering to benefit human welfare; promoting public awareness and understanding of the engineering profession.
- Integrity in action: fostering a professional climate in which engineers and scientists continue to be respected for their exemplary ethical behavior and volunteerism
Please visit this webpage for an inspiring video on what engineering is all about: Solutionists | IEEE Pikes Peak Section

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This 2011 video is from IEEE microsite the Solutionists intended to inform the public what engineering is all about and how engineers contribute to the betterment of humanity.