Welcome to the IEEE Pikes Peak Section!
This website is being migrated from, Many of the links are pointing to the old website and many documents have not been uploaded to this website at Region 5 ( during the migration process. As a result, we have to manually update the links and upload the documents.
If you need to get a particular document not found at Region 5 please go to the to download. THANK YOU for your patience.
If you are new IEEE member or IEEE student member of the Pikes Peak Section, please visit the following link.
If you are new visitor to the website, here are: the Pikes Peak Section’s Mission, Vision and Goals; 2023 History and Achievements; and 6-minute video of Achievements during the 2019-2022 can be found here. For more detailed information, you can find it documented at the State of the Pikes Peak Section (2019-2022).
Section Meeting Minutes can be found here.
NEW: Please visit the following for those who are in applying AI for Increased Productivity.
Educational Activities Board
As you flip through the ebook below, you’ll see links to the various educational resources found in your IEEE that will help you in your engineering professional career. You may need to copy the link and paste in your browser.
flyer: Utility Scale Solar Generation at Colorado Springs Utilities
Below is a flipbook version of the Trip Report followed with a link of the pdf file itself.
18 Nov 2023, National Museum of WWII Aviation Tour Report
Register: Event Registration Form
Virtual Event Details
Are you involved with Computer Game Development? Do you know of staff or students at academic institutions who are? If so, please share this information on this event with them so they can attend this year’s Competition. The top 10 of this year’s entries of games submitted will compete and be judged by professionals from the Computer Game Development industry.
Building on the success of last year’s competition, this year’s is also being held in a Hybrid format! We’ll be in-person at California State University, Fullerton, and virtual in Twitch/Discord.
The IEEE GameSIG Intercollegiate Game [Developers] Competition, now in its eleventh year, is an educational outreach project of IEEE GameSIG (which is part of the Orange County IEEE Computer Society, but does not geographically limit competing teams). The purpose of this event is to help students develop and demonstrate their skills at game design, development and promotion. They are challenged to show off a playable level of a game, live, in front of an audience of experienced game industry personnel and guests (which are hoping you will join). The Computer Society Publication Office produced a 9 minute Youtube video about a previous live Competition/Showcase which is available at 2013 IEEE Intercollegiate Game Showcase.
The competition typically attracts 30 to 50 entries, from which the top ten are chosen to present their work to the “live” audience and judges. Three primary awards are given, plus a series of special awards for unique achievements. These special awards are different each year based on the nature of what the developers are showing. Their is also a People’s Choice Award. More details on the competition can be found at
This year’s showcase will be hosted from the California State University, Fullerton, and held Online via Twitch.
The Twitch stream will start at 1:00 PM (PT) and end by 5:30 PM (PT).
Registered individuals will receive reminders about the Showcase as we get closer to the event, with the Twitch link provided the night before the Showcase. The Twitch stream will be public.
Suggested Attendance fee is $25.00 for in-person attendance; there is no charge for virutal attendance, and for students, the under-employed, judges, staff and invited guests.
For those qualifying for free attendance, select “Regular Ticket – 0 USD” as the “Registration Fee”.
For credit card sponsorship and support, payment can be found as ticketing options at registration check-out.
For sponsorship payments, we’ll contact you to acknowledge and verify processing. If unsure, please contact us.
Support in check-form are preferred to avoid processing fees.
For inquiries and larger sponsorship or support, contact us for more information at
Competition details at:

The web of interconnections between today’s technology and society is upending many traditional ways of doing things:
The internet of things, bitcoin, the sharing economy, and connected autonomous vehicles are increasingly in the public mind.
As such, computer scientists and engineers must be increasingly conscious of the interplay between the technical performance of their systems and the personal objectives of users, customers, and adversaries.
Dr Brown will present recent work studying the design tradeoffs faced by a planner who wishes to influence and optimize the behavior of a group of self-interested individuals.
A key goal is to balance the potential benefits of implementing a given behavior-influencing scheme with its potential costs; seeking to systematically avoid schemes which are likely to create perverse incentives.
Dr. Brown will explore these concepts in two contexts: routing of autonomous vehicles in mixed-autonomy transportation networks and decision design for communication-denied distributed multiagent systems.
He will ask “when is altruism good?” through the lens of the Price of Anarchy and a new conceptual framework that is termed the “Perversity Index,” which captures the potential harm that an incentive scheme may cause.
Ultimately, this work seeks to develop foundations for a theory of robust socially-networked systems which leverages the decision processes of automated components to enhance overall system reliability and performance.
- Dr Philip Brown: When is “Altruism” good in distributed decision-making?
- Here is a link to the recording
- Here are the slides
- Here is a link to the recording

16 FEB 2023: IEEE Pike Peak Section Meeting (All Members) and EXCOM Meeting
More Info and Registration:

For the digital flipbooks below, click on the toolbar (shown below) found near the bottom right of the flipbook.
Appreciation to Section Volunteers

Survey Results as of 16 February 2023

16 February 2023: Daniel Thomson – Rising Stars Conference Report

State of the Pikes Peak Section – Dr. John Santiago
The briefing below also serves as an early-bird celebration of Engineering week!
Logo Description on Certificate of Appreciation.
Logo adapted from Dr John Santiago entrepreneurial experience when coming for his business logos.
Using the Sierpinski Equilateral Triangle, you can also form a Pyramid (or Tetrahedral). The tetrahedral model was also used in Dr. Santiago’s dissertation of modeling and evaluating control strategies of Large-Scale Flexible Space Structures.
For most undergraduates, the logo shape looks like a diamond…implying that engineering is hard and valuable.
After graduating from an engineering school, the logo looks like a Superman Shield… where folks assume you have superpowers as an engineer
The eagle represents the powerful technical skillset.
The owl represents the entrepreneurial mindset (or growth and leadership mindset) to provide career direction and motivating in keeping your technical skillset sharp.
Kern Entrepreneurial Engineering Network (KEEN) Framework:
- Skillset + Mindset = Career Success
- Tandem Bicycle is visual communication of the KEEN framework.
- Skillset is the back-seater provides power and is like the magnitude and front-seater provides direction.
- Both riders (skillset and mindset) provide a vector for career success
On the logo is the three-headed eagle which also represents the model by our Founders to create a government that never was.
Our country’s Founders designed a government and provided an environment to unleash the creativity and entrepreneurial mindset of ‘WE THE PEOPLE’
Gif image below is same as the above video, but you cannot pause…goes on continuously.

Some Ideas to Promote IEEE customized for Pikes Peak Region

- Dr. Gedare Bloom on Ground Vehicle Security – Trends, Problems, Solutions, and Future Work
- Here is a link to the recording
- Here are the slides

17 Jan 2023: Common Installation Errors and Consequences for PV Installations

NOTE: If you see a blank space below the text sections, please refresh the page. The images should appear with hotlinks to various sections of the website.
Welcome to the IEEE Pikes Peak Section!
If you are a new visitor to the website, here are: the Pikes Peak Section’s Mission, Vision and Goals. A 6-minute video of Achievements during the 2019-2022 can be found here.
We recently added dedicated web pages for the following society chapters/groups. Click on the blue ‘i’ on the logo image or hyperlinked text below the set of logo icons for more information.
Videos and Digital Flipbooks from Society Chapters
Based on the content generated from the Pikes Peak Section societies and groups, we also provided digital flipbooks and/or videos to the society and group pages shown below:
Note: Please be patient as it takes a minute or two to load the flipbooks and videos. Some videos take time to load due to bandwidth-limited websites.
Recent Events, Engineering Unleashed & Community Outreach
You will also find the latest and reported meetings or events from the section here. Any upcoming meetings can be found on the left column of this home page.
Note: Click image below to enlarge.
Below is Dr Warrick’s talking points on leadership. Note you can enlarge to full screen by clicking on the square-like icon found on the middle portion of the controls at the top of the pdf flipbook. Please be patient as it takes less than a minute to load the flipbook. You can also download the pdf here.
- Leadership myths
- Potential payoffs of developing skilled leaders
- Principles for being a skilled leader at any level
- Purpose of webinar: Preparing a life of personal commitment of excellence regardless of circumstances
- What You Will Learn: Committing to Excellence is a Lifestyle, Attitude and Approach to Life
- Why Committing to Excellence Is Important
- What Committing to Excellence Is Not
- What Committing to Excellence Is
- Developing a Plan for Committing to Excellence
- Defining Excellence
- Managing Your Life From a Whole Person Perspective Evaluation
- Behavioral Chain Reaction: Why Do We Do What We Do
- Keys to Continuous Growth, Change, and Commitment to Excellence
- Are You Willing to Commit to Personal Excellence
- URL: Warrick Webinar: Committing to Personal Excellence – YouTube
- Why People Resist Change
- Key Concepts for Managing Change
- Designing and Managing Change for Success
- A Model for Managing Change
- Change Planning Form
- Change Planning Form Stages
- Developing Guidelines for Managing Change
- Wrap Up
- URL: Warrick Webinar: How Skilled are You and Your Organization at Managing Change? – YouTube
- Don Warrick – Lessons Learned From Over Fifty Years Of OD&C Studies And Practice – YouTube
- I also attached Dr Warrick’s handout document based on his above talk (see second attachment, DODC Symposium Handout).
Summary: Dr. Warrick has been a student, educator, practitioner, and author of books and articles on OD&C for over fifty years. In his session he will be sharing some of the key lessons he has learned about the field that he considers to be one of the most rewarding fields anyone could be in. He loves the field of OD&C and believes that people involved in ODC have an opportunity to make a significant difference in the lives of organizations, teams, and individuals.
For being the recipient of the 2022 MGA Achievement Award in Region 5, well-deserved congratulations go to one of our leaders in the Pikes Peak Section
Chair, Life Member Affinity Group (LMAG)
IEEE Pikes Peak Section
“For exemplary leadership and distinguished contributions in promoting IEEE activities at the Section, Council, and Region levels. “
David is a very energetic and valuable advisor to the Section Chair who volunteered as Chair, Life Member Affinity Group (LMAG) Chapter. He collaborated closely with LMAG and Computer Society Chapters in helping to revitalize them as well as delivering quality presentations to the Section. He provided future Section and Chapter Chairs a foundation of documented events with multi-media content for others to follow with a gallery of digital flipbooks and embedded videos serving as one of many examples to inspire future volunteer leaders and members.
While assuming his regional responsibilities, David collaborated closely with LMAG and Computer Society Chapters across the Regions having a global impact in helping to revitalize many chapters. He provided a foundation of documented events for others to further inspire future volunteer leaders and members. His actions are for others to build and improved, especially at the Section-level, while assuming major and numerous leadership roles shown below at the Region Level.
Leadership Roles:
Chair, Life Member Affinity Group (LMAG), Pikes Peak Section (2019-Present)
IEEE Region 5, Pikes Peak North Area LMAG Coordinator in 2019
IEEE Region 5 LMAG Coordinator, 2020-2021
IEEE Life Member Committee Member, 2021-2022
IEEE Life Member Activities Member, 2021-2022
IEEE Life Member Committee Member Activities coordinator for Life Member Committee, 2021-2022
IEEE Computer Society Region 5/6 Coordinator, 2020-2021
IEEE Computer Society Chair of Geographic Activities Committee and Vice Chair of Computer Society Member and Geographical Activities Board
Industry Outreach with Blockframe
Met with Former State Senator & State Congressman, Kent Lambert on his doctorate and practicum topic, A Systems Engineering Examination of a Cryptographically-Secure Logistics Provisioning Enterprise with a Distributed Ledger Management Services Enterprise, on 6 Dec 2022 (Tues) at First Watch on North Academy, near Chapel Hills. Discussed a variety of topics including: blockchain technology and future talks with the IEEE Pikes Peak Section on cybersecurity.
Note: Click on photo to enlarge.
Using Tech to Engage Students While Being Mindful of Cognitive Load, 17 Nov 2022, United States Air Force Academy (USAFA)
Dr. John Santiago, as an IEEE representative, gave a presentation at USAF Academy during the annual Scholarship of Learning And Teaching (SoTL).
A short video of the presentation is shown below after the description of the talk.
The intent of this talk will show how leveraging internet marketing technologies and green-screen techniques for engaging content while proving guidelines from cognitive load theory. The presentation serves as an example in support of traditional or online flipped approach with encouragement of an entrepreneurial (or growth) mindset.
In business applications, internet marketing software tools are presented for online multi-media content to capture customer attention. Rather than passively watching a short video, add interactive embedded learning elements within the video to increase student engagement. For example, adding interactive techniques with embedded ‘hot links’ within a video can promote student attentiveness. The teaching innovation allows students to have options or call-to-actions such as: watching more videos, perusing other forms of content, or taking a short quiz or other assessment activity. When developing content, the instructor needs to consider Cognitive Load Theory such as: modality principle, split attention, reversal effect, redundancy effect, self-explanation/mental rehearsal (weekly quizzes/lab activities), and learner control.
For example, interactive video was used to engage learners in controlling pacing and content. Having a variety of content working in tandem with interactive video adds an element of surprise to engage the user. Busy background and other distractions were also avoided. Interactive video includes clickable, clear and concise e-learning questions. A series of short videos are not enough.
Weekly quizzes are needed. Why the interest? Given the COVID/pandemic environment, diversity of online strategies/approaches are needed for engaging content development working in tandem with collaboration tools.
- Ruth Clark, Frank Nguyen, John Swelter, Efficiency in Learning, Evidence-Based Guidelines to Manage Cognitive Load, John Wiley & Sons, 2006
- Santiago, John and Jing Guo, Leveraging Internet Marketing Technologies and Green-Screen Techniques for Developing Engaging STEM and Online Content (Update), Transactions on Techniques in STEM Education, July- September 2017, Note: Best Annual Paper, Best Quarterly Paper for July-Sept 2017.
- Santiago, John and Jing Guo, Using Guidelines from Cognitive Load Theory with Applications in the Traditional/ Online Flipped Classroom Approach and Entrepreneurial-Minded Learning (EML), Journal of Online Engineering Education, Dec 2018
- Santiago, John, Jing Guo, Kathy Kasley, and Pamela Hoffman, Introduction to Engineering Using Google Docs and Interactive Video in Support of an Online Flipped Classroom Approach,” 2017 Pacific Southwest Section Conference, Tempe, AZ, April 2017
- Guo, Jing, John Santiago and Pamela Phillips, “Combining the Flipped Classroom and Integrating Entrepreneurial Minded Learning in DC Circuit Analysis and Design Course”, 2019 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Tampa, FL, June 2019
In celebration of IEEE Day, the IEEE Pikes Peak Section visited the University of Colorado, Colorado Springs (UCCS) IEEE Student Branch to talk about “Why A Technical Skill Set May Not Be Enough “by Dr John Santiago and “Going Pro” by Mr. Daniel Thomson.
For Daniel Thomson presentation, he provides reasons why IEEE is a good return-on-investment (ROI) as well as a discussion of the benefits of attending the Rising Stars Conference, held every January at Las Vegas. Young Professionals and IEEE Student members are highly encouraged to attend. Please see your student branch advisor for details. Due to budget constraints, one student per student branch may attend.
Rising Stars Conference and Leadership presentation of slides and video (no audio) can be found here.

More Info: The Fundamentals and Energy Implications of Bitcoin Mining : vTools Events (
- Please fill out our event survey link so we can improve our future events, and provide more events within your interest.
- Please find link to the recording for the event today at:
- Kindly find link to the slides presented today is at:

Date/Time: 27 Sep 2022: 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm
Location: 4110 North Academy Blvd (Old Chicago), Colorado Springs , CO 80918
Slide Show Presentation from Russ Bogardus

Date/Time: 28 Sep 2022: 10:00 am to 11:00 am (MST)
- Link to the recording for the event today is at:
- Link:
- Passcode: 1a662%JR or please contact Dr John Santiago if you are having trouble getting access.
- Link to the slides presented today is at:
An EXCOM Meeting was held on 23 Aug 2022. The primary focus for the meeting was understanding the budgeting process for student simulation projects with regards to the National Museum of WWII Aviation. The proposed project was presented by David Bondurant, Life Member Affinity Group (LMAG) Chair and John Reinert, Section Treasurer, explained the budgeting process to all of the members. The meeting clarified the budgeting process for future propostals involving outreach or other activities. John Reinert intends to provide more guidance on David Bondurant’s proposal. The guidance will include a blank project proposal form (the Region PACE Project form) along with a filled-out example for the Science Olympiad. David also mentioned there are forms for the Computer Society and Life Members. John will also do a summary follow-up to the EXCOM. Basically, reiterating that the EXCOM members are supporting the project in concept and will need to see the proposal. This meeting and follow-up activities will serve in documenting the budget process.
UPDATE: As discussed above, you can find a blank project proposal form (the Region PACE Project form) and filled-out example for the Science Olympiad here.
A joint Life Member Affinity Group, Computer Society and Section meeting was held on 28 July 2022 to hear a presentation on simulation projects for the National Museum of WWII Aviation. A simulation project was proposed to involve IEEE Student Branches and Section members. The presentation was given by Verne Patterson from the museum.
The Museum has involved 110 University of Colorado-Colorado Springs engineering students over the last 7 years in the development of it’s interactive exhibits. One example is Kevyn Kelso, a computer engineering major who enrolled in a class called Senior Design Project. He chose to work at the Museum for his final project and was assigned the Norden Bombsight Simulator Project team. Past students were involved with creating a 3-D printed replica of the Norden Bombsight used by bombardiers to accurately land bombs. Kevyn joined 4 other students in developing the computer imaging of a B-17 dropping bombs on a target using real physics for bomb trajectory based on inputs from the replica Norden Bombsight.
REGISTER: Meet the Candidates for IEEE President – Hosted by Region 5

Thursday, January 28, 2021, 8:13 pm | (UTC-06:00) Central Time (US Canada)
IEEE Initiative on Privacy and Security Using Blockchain Technology
Recording password: (This recording does not require a password.)

Thursday, January 28, 2021, 8:13 pm | (UTC-06:00) Central Time (US Canada)
IEEE Initiative on Privacy and Security Using Blockchain Technology
Recording password: (This recording does not require a password.)

Computer Society and Life Member Affinity Group (LMAG) – 2021 Meetings
September Meeting
- Mark Campbell on Conversational AI
- Here is a link to the recording:
- Play recording (1 hr 22 mins)
- Here are the slides:
- EVOTEK Labs – Conversational AI – 210913
June Meeting
- Steve Casner on a Pre History of VoIP
- Here are the slides:
- prehistory-voip.share
- Here is a link to the recording:
December 19, 2021 – Holiday Speakers Recognition Dinner at Country Club of Colorado. The Future of Technology, Rod Slater
December 18, 2021 Virtual Meeting – It was a Cold Week in Texas (Texas Grid Near Blackout) – Evans Heacock, Office of NERC Compliance DirectorNovember 16, 2021 Virtual Meeting – Trans Arabian Oil Pipeline, Ray Catlett, St. Louis LMAG
A status update about the Pikes Peak Section was given on 30 July 2020 as well as a presentation of the AMES Power Plant. Below are slides of the vision, mission, and strategic goals. More information on the status update can be found here.
6_11_2020_Meeting Notes — IEEE Pikes Peak Ex
6_17_2020_IEEE Pikes Peak Section Ex Com Agenda
6_18_2020_Meeting Notes — IEEE Pikes Peak Ex Com
6_25_2020_Meeting Notes — IEEE Pikes Peak Ex Com
Computer Society and Life Member Affinity Group (LMAG)
– 2020 Meetings
November Meeting:
- Part 2 of Quantum Computing with Dr. Trung Pham of the USAFA.
- Application in Quantum Computing: Analog Memory
- Here is a link to the recording
- Play recording
- Here are the slides:
- IEEE (11-05-2020) Application in Quantum Computing – Analog Memory
October Meeting:
- Introduction to Quantum Computing – Dr. Trung Pham, USAFA
- This is part one of a tutorial on Quantum Computing. This talk covers the basics of the technology. Next month Dr. Pham will cover an application of the technology.
- Here is a link to the recording
October Pikes Peak Computer Society Meeting-20201001 2310-1 Thursday, October 1, 2020 Play recording (1 hr 29 mins) - Here are the slides–
September Meeting:
- Data Fusion and Resource Management Technical Architecture – Chris Bowman, PhD
- The DNN Technical Architecture provides a standard functional decomposition of DF&RM software development point designs, interface descriptions, and engineering methodology to enable software tool reuse and reduce need for one-of-a-kind DF&RM systems. The goals of the presentation include:
- Provide an understanding of the roles for DF&RM
- Describe how the Data Fusion heritage can be used to “jump-start” dual Resource Management solutions
- Describe DF&RM Dual Node Network (DNN) Technical Architecture
- Provide Problem-to-Solution Mappings for Data Association
- Here is a link to the recording
- Here are the slides—
August Meeting:
- Who Invented the Integrated Circuit – Gene Freeman
- The integrated circuit is one of the greatest inventions of the 20th century and continues its dominance as an electronic packaging technology in the 21st Century. This talk focuses on its beginnings and looks at the controversies around attribution of “who was first?”
- We had two special guests at this meeting Lisa Kocks, Historian, IEEE History Center and Francesco Gerali, ICOHTEC member and IEEE History Center 2019 Pugh Scholar. Looking forward to future collaboration.
- Here are the slides—
October 22, 2020 Virtual Meeting – Satellite Information Communications Influence on the Formation of the US Space Force – David Fitzgerald
US Space Force Presentation Video
August 12, 2020 Virtual Meeting – Silicon Mountain DRAM, Building the World’s Fastest PCs, David Bondurant
July 7, 2020 – Virtual Meeting Data Fusion & Resource Management (DF&RM) Dual Node Network (DNN) Technical Architecture, Chistopher Bowman, PhD May 27, 2020 Virtual Meeting – Russian Perestroika During the Post Cold War Era – David Bondurant May 20, 2020 Virtual Meeting – VHSIC and the ETA10: The First CMOS and Only Cryogenically Cooled SuperComputer – David Bondurant May 13, 2020 Virtual Meeting – The Invention of the Integrated Circuit – Eugene FreemanInvention of the Integrated Circuit– Distribution Final
Joint Meeting IEEE Pikes Peak Section and Life Member Affinity – Non Volatile RAM for the Internet of Things — David Bondurant
Non-Volatile RAM Review ECEN 5823
November 4, 2019 Presentation: The Enigmatic Oliver Heaviside, Richard Hoffmeister
September 14, 2019 Joint IEEE Pikes Peak – Denver LMAG Meeting at Space Foundation Discovery Center, The Ames Power Station, First High Voltage Alternating Current Transmission Anywhere – Al SchafferApril 18, 2019 Presentation: Russian Perestroika During the Post Cold War Era – David Bondurant
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Pike’s Peak Region Jobs
VIDEO #1: Death By Ego
Video of Ken Rush’s Presentation. How to keep from shooting your career in the foot.
VIDEO #2: Bullet-Proof Serial Channels
Video of Chuck Hill’s Presentation. “Byting Off More Than You Can Chew? Unraveling The Mysteries of Bullet-Proof Serial Channels”
VIDEO #3: 5 Dimensions of starting a hi-tech biz
Video of Roger Neeland’s Presentation. How to start a high-tech company.
VIDEO #4: Social Media For Engineers.
Video of Mark Chamber’s Presentation. Facebook, Linked In, etc. for engineers.
VIDEO #5: The Future of Energy in the U.S.
Video of Peter O’Neill’s Presentation. Can the U.S. survive the energy crisis? Energy Flash Points. Energy Sources. Energy Usage. Energy Techtalk.
VIDEO #6: Once Upon a Standard
Video of Karen Bartleson’s Presentation. “The Story of the IEEE Standards Association”
IEEE Pikes Peak Section History – Engineering and Technology History Wiki (
IEEE Pikes Peak Section Meeting & Tribute to Navy Veteran & 2007 IEEE*USA President John Meredith
A Great Leader Who Builds & Motivates Other Leaders
During September 2018, Professor Santiago will Chair for the IEEE Pikes Peak Section with John Meredith as Vice Chair starting in 2019. As a long-term strategic plan, Professor John Santiago was going to handle the outreach community programs to educate parents and their kids emphasizing what engineering and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) is all about. John Meredith will handle setting up the technical session activities. The partnership was planned as a team effort. John Meredith set up the following first IEEE technical session held at CTU while Professor Santiago hosted and handled the local logistics:
IEEE Pikes Peak Section Two-Part Meeting, September 27. Part 1: Cybersecurity: Threat and Risk Management and Part 2: “The President’s Forum” – A Three-Hour Live Video Conference with the IEEE President, Jim Jefferies and senior leadership. Key topics for Part 1from the presenter, Michael G. Semmens include: the nature of cyber threats, priorities for cybersecurity & the national cyber exchange.
After Professor Santiago completed the Manitou Incline on 26 September 2018, he found that John Meredith, died that same day. Unknown to Professor Santiago, John Meredith has been suffering a blood infection during the past eleven days. Two weeks before John Meredith died what was planned as a family event, the blood infection started. Also, before John Meredith left for his planned family event, one of the last request by John Meredith to Professor Santiago was to take a group photo of the Cybersecurity Meeting. Professor Santiago honored his request with the photo shown below. Before the presentation started, a 1-minute moment of silence was given and a short video clip of John Meredith was shown offering best wishes to IEEE 125th Anniversary in 2008. The planned meeting proceeded as John Meredith would have wanted.
Information about John Meredith used with permission by his wife, Lorraine.
Because this page cannot display a digital flipbook testimonials and YouTube videos, a 37-second video on John Meredith Wishing IEEE A Happy 125th Anniversary in October 2008, and a Flag Folding Ceremony and Presentation can be found at
Donate here to preserve John Meredith’s Memory
Title: Rise of Computing inside the Automotive DNA.
Registration link:
Speaker: Sharan Kalwani, Industry Tech Expert (LinkedIn:
Click on the images below for more details and the author’s bio.
The LinkedIn button below leads to Dr. John Santiago (webmaster), where more LinkedIn posts on Education Week topics are discussed. Dr Santiago plans to discuss AI-generated images for engineers and small businesses who are experiencing lower margins due to increase advertising and marketing costs in various platforms.
27 Feb 2024: Presentation on CEUs/PDHs, Google Suite, and AI Image Generation
NOTE: For the digital flipbook below, right click and Select option to go FULLSCREEN.
I am text block. Click edit button to change this text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Archived Events for 2019-2023 can be found here.
Dedicated Web Pages of Society Chapters
We recently added dedicated web pages for the following society chapters/groups. Click on the blue ‘i’ on the logo image or hyperlinked text below the set of logo icons for more information.
Videos and Digital Flipbooks from Society Chapters
Based on the content generated from the Pikes Peak Section societies and groups, we also provided digital flipbooks and/or videos to the society and group pages shown below:
Note: Please be patient as it takes a minute or two to load the flipbooks and videos. Some videos take time to load due to bandwidth-limited websites.
We also provided a dedicated section on the Entrepreneurial Mindset for Students and Faculty. The multi-media content will provide graduating IEEE students a competitive edge during a job interview. The Entrepreneurial Mindset working in tandem with the technical skillset is based on the Kern Entrepreneurial Engineering Network (KEEN) framework, also found at Engineering Unleashed website. The web section that was developed contains:
Student Videos on Engineers Make A Difference | Skillset & Mindset |Student Activities | Engineering Unleashed | IEEE & Other Videos