Computer Society – Pikes Peak Chapter

Position Name Contact  
Chair Gene Freeman  
Vice-Chair Senthilkumar Mehalingam  


Computer Society Webinars 2024

Hi to our members and guests.   In 2024 we have moved to a new model where we are doing a lot of co-hosting with other chapters.   Therefore we will have links to recordings of many of the webinars but they may be use different applications like IEEE TV for instance.


2024 Upcoming Events

Please Register.  Copy the link and put into your search engine.

10 hours Free Online Training for Google Cloud Professional Cloud Architect (PCA) certification  04 Jun 2024

  • Co Host with Santa Clara Valley

The Meandering Path to Regulating Face Recognition and AI  14 May 2024   

  • Co Host with San Diego

Towards Programmable Smart Buildings         13 May 2024 06:00 PM

  • PPCS

Enhancing STEM Education through AI-Assisted Tutoring     09 May 2024

  • Education Week

New Frontiers in Terahertz Technology           09 May 2024

  • Co Host with Coastal Los Angeles Section Chapter


Completed PPCS Events for 2024

From Constraints to Capabilities: Achieving Optimal Compute Schedules in Heterogeneous Cyber-Physical Systems     01 May 2024

  • Recording:

Education Week Events  (Videos to be posted shortly)

  • Unleash Your Potential: AI-driven Productivity & Workflow Strategies 25 Apr 2024
  • Revolutionizing Supply Chain Management: Harnessing the Power of AI and Machine Learning in Cloud-based ERP Systems for Technical Leaders 23 Apr 2024
  • Revolutionize Electronic Design Automation (EDA) with AI: Unlocking the Power of Generative Adversarial Networks in High-Speed Receiver Modeling 18 Apr 2024
  • A Call to Action: Uniting Tech Innovators, Policy Leaders & Businesses to Safeguard Digital Privacy 17 Apr 2024


Co Host with San Diego

  • Recordings:
    • Bridging the Gap Between Deep Learning Theory and Practice 23 Apr 2024
    • Neurophysiology-aware Mental Health Screening Using Mobile and Wearable Devices 05 Mar 2024
    • Rise of Computing inside the Automotive DNA 02 Apr 2024 – Not Recorded
    • Driving Manufacturing Innovation with AI-Powered Smart Robotic Cells 13 Feb 2024


Distinguished Speaker Program

Professor Shlomi Dolev: Post Quantum Internet              10 Apr 2024

  • Recording:

IEEE-USA Livestream Webinar: Blockchain              20 Mar 2024



Gene Freeman, Chair PPCS



Oral History:

Congratulations to Dr. Donald Kraft.   His Oral History as an IEEE Life Fellow is posted at the link below.  The history was recorded and edited by Gene Freeman, PPCS Chair and Mary-Ann Hellrigel of the IEEE History Center.   Listing is in alphabetical order.


Useful Links
USPTO Resources (IEEE-USA Free Webinar)

A Practitioner’s Guide to Leadership – 2nd Edition – Free for IEEE members


The History of Software Engineering – Free for IEEE Computer Society members

Becoming a senior IEEE member

IEEE USA Social Media Power Hour



Webinar Recordings and Slides Pre 2024

Computer Society – 2023 Meetings

 October Meeting:

  • Anders M. Buvarp: Introduction to Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces
    • Note that this recording takes a few minutes to load.   Also we had some technical issues from 3:30 to 12:00.   So I suggest watching my introduction to 3:30 then jumping to 12:00 when Anders presentation starts.   
    • Here is a link to the recording
    • Here are the slides

CIT Summer Series:  

Hope you were able to attend at least some of the webinars from the Careers in Technology series put on by the Northwest Florida Section, Computer/Communication Chapter led by Michael Viron.  PPCS was a joint host.   Michael did a great job attracting an excellent set of speakers from the Distinguished Visitors Program.

Two of my personal favorites were David Allen Greer on the Generations of Computer Science, and Jon Peddie on a History of Visual Magic in Computers.

The recordings are at this You Tube link:


April Meeting

  • Dr Philip Brown: When is “Altruism” good in distributed decision-making?

February Meeting

  • Dr. Gedare Bloom on Ground Vehicle Security – Trends, Problems, Solutions, and Future Work


Computer Society- 2022 Meetings







  • February Meeting


  • Mark Campbell on Venture Capital 101


    • Here is a link to the recording:


Play recording (1 hr 42 mins)




    • Here are the slides:









Computer Society – 2021 Meetings





Computer Society – 2020 Meetings


  • November Meeting:

  • Part 2 of Quantum Computing with Dr. Trung Pham of the USAFA.   
  • Application in Quantum Computing:  Analog Memory
  • Here is a link to the recording
  • Play recording
  • Here are the slides:
  • IEEE (11-05-2020) Application in Quantum Computing – Analog Memory
  • October Meeting:

  • Introduction to Quantum Computing – Dr. Trung Pham, USAFA
  • This is part one of a tutorial on Quantum Computing.   This talk covers the basics of the technology.   Next month Dr. Pham will cover an application of the technology.
  • Here is a link to the recording
  • October Pikes Peak Computer Society Meeting-20201001 2310-1
    Thursday, October 1, 2020
    Play recording (1 hr 29 mins)
  • Here are the slides–
  • September Meeting:

  • Data Fusion and Resource Management Technical Architecture – Chris Bowman, PhD
  • The DNN Technical Architecture provides a standard functional decomposition of DF&RM software development point designs, interface descriptions, and engineering methodology to enable software tool reuse and reduce need for one-of-a-kind DF&RM systems. The goals of the presentation include:
    • Provide an understanding of the roles for DF&RM
    • Describe how the Data Fusion heritage can be used to “jump-start” dual Resource Management solutions
    • Describe DF&RM Dual Node Network (DNN) Technical Architecture
    • Provide Problem-to-Solution Mappings for Data Association
  • Here is a link to the recording
  • Here are the slides—
  • August Meeting:

  • Who Invented the Integrated Circuit – Gene Freeman
  • The integrated circuit is one of the greatest inventions of the 20th century and continues its dominance as an electronic packaging technology  in the 21st Century.    This talk focuses on its beginnings and looks at the controversies around attribution of “who was first?”
  • We had two special guests at this meeting Lisa Kocks, Historian, IEEE History Center and Francesco Gerali, ICOHTEC member and IEEE History Center 2019 Pugh Scholar.  Looking forward to future collaboration.
  • Here are the slides—


Distinguished Visitors Program from IEEE Computer Society


This is a sample of 7 handouts in recent months as part of IEEE Computer Society Distinguished Visitors Program.  Use the link at the top of the list to see the recorded presentations.