With tabs, you don’t have to scroll down as much!
Plaques and Certificates of Appreciation for Section Volunteers
Plagues and engraving can be found here with C&A Trophies and Engraving.
For plaques and certificates of appreciation for our Section volunteers, samples of recognition shown below. This important activity helps serving an important role in term of continuing to re-vitalize the Section and increase member involvement.
MGA Awards
MGA Award Nomination Process | email questions to | Online Medals, Awards, and Recognition Nomination Form
During the second half of the year, your nomination package can be submitted for an MGA Individual Award in one of the categories listed below.
MGA Larry K. Wilson Transnational Award
MGA Innovation Award
IEEE MGA Diversity & Inclusion Award
MGA Leadership Award
MGA Achievement Award
MGA Young Professionals Achievement Award
Below are two online resources available on the MGA portal Award pages you may use the next time you are a nominator:
1) This link takes you to the MGA Award Nomination Process page, where you will find a tutorial on writing successful nominations.
2) This link takes you to the MGA Awards and Recognition Program page, where you’ll find a tutorial on how to complete the nomination form for Individual Awards. Even though the tutorial will be updated later this year, it still offers great advice.
The first call for nominations for MGA Individual Awards will be issued around June 2023.
MGA Larry K. Wilson Transnational Award
MGA Innovation Award
IEEE MGA Diversity & Inclusion Award
MGA Leadership Award
MGA Achievement Award
MGA Young Professionals Achievement Award
Letter or Certificate of Appreciation to Supervisor
We can send a letter of appreciation and certificate of appreciation to your supervisor that can help with your career, for example, like promotions. Below is an example of certificate of appreciation and letter sent to a supervisor.
Branding IEEE
If only interested in IEEE PowerPoint templates, see tab labeled as [PPT Templates] on this same webpage.
Sample Newsletter
The sample newsletter is by Dr. John Santiago using Canva. Ideally, the a series of newsletter can be used to develop an annual report highlighting key events and accomplishments from the IEEE Pikes Peak Section.
Budget Process
2018_R5 Section PACE Project Form
Sample filled-out form: PACE 2019-05-001_PikesPeak_Science_Olympiad final report
Continuing Education Units/Professional Development Hours (CEUs/PDHs)
Link to Credentials Guide: IEEE Educational Activities – Submission Completed (
Same Guide except at IEEE Pikes Peak Section:
Webinar Link To Credentials: record new app webinar.-20220427 1438-1 – IEEE Webex
Short Summary
1. All events must be uploaded to our platform 5-10 business days prior to the event/course/webinar. For your convenience, below is a pre-recorded webinar on how to upload your event/conference or course for approval.
2. Once your event is approved, you will receive an email with two forms. One form is the roster/list of attendees and the other is an evaluation form. If a client would like a certificate, they must complete an evaluation form. Instructions on how to submit the roster and evaluation forms can be found in the above mentioned instruction guide.
3. Your clients can now share their certificates on Linkedin and other social media links to show their newly acquired skills!
4. Each certificate costs $5.00 and you will be billed after the event.
Examples of Recent Webinars that qualified for CEUs/PDHs<
2024 IEEE Education Week: 5-Webinar Series, Digital Privacy and AI Paradox
Machine Learning
MIT OpenCourseWare
MIT OpenCourseWare | Free Online Course Materials
IEEE Pikes Peak Section
Artificial Intelligence for Increased Productivity | IEEE Pikes Peak Section
From LinkedIn Posts
Top AI tools
1️⃣ Bland AI ->
2️⃣ Gemini ->
3️⃣ CapCut ->
4️⃣ ->
5️⃣ Wand ->
❗ Contact us if you made a great AI tool to be featured:
IEEE LinkedIn Posts
Artificial Intelligence for Increased Productivity | IEEE Pikes Peak Section
The access is free to the readership.
Fully Open Access Topical Journals
Branded PPT Templates
Sample IEEE Templates for PowerPoint Presentations:
- IEEE-Corporate-Presentation-Template-PPT-BasicVersion-Widescreen-Aug-22
- IEEE-Corporate-Presentation-Template-PPT-BasicVersion-Widescreen
- IEEE_BrandedPresentationPPT_Template_A
- IEEE_BrandedPresentationPPT_Template_C
You can find other IEEE PPT templates here.
As IEEE student advisor for the IEEE Colorado Technical University, Engineering Department, during 2008-2019,Dr. John Santiago initiated and along with the help from engineering colleagues and former students, here is the website for the College of Engineering in its current form using the platform Libguides.
The website was also used to help with the successful ABET re-accreditation during 2016-2017 and 2022-2023 timeframe.
Home – Engineering Center – LibGuides at Career Education Corporation
The website experience helped Dr. Santiago developed a strategic website for the IEEE Pikes Peak Section to help re-vitalized the section during his tenure as Section Chair (2019-2023). Dr Santiago is the current webmaster and is currently training Dileep Rai to serve as a backup webmaster.
Submit Your Student Branch Annual Plan by 1 February
As a reminder, to qualify for a Student Branch rebate, Branches must submit an Annual Plan by 1 February 2023 and hold at least four activities reported in vTools Events.
Visit the Support Center for help with common problems like trouble accessing the Annual Plan. Have a question not in the Support Center? Email
Qualifications for Student Branch Officers
All Student Branch officers must be active IEEE members. If you haven’t already, remember to renew your membership before 28 February 2023! Find out how much your dues will be this year with the IEEE dues calculator.
Below is the current survey to assess the members’ interests. For those members who want to volunteer for Section duties, please complete the survey so the Section officers can leverage you strengths aligned with your interests.
For past 2023 survey, go here for more info and here are the results of the 2023 survey (you will need to scroll down to see the results as a digital flipbook). Or click here to see raw results.
To embroider your clothing items with IEEE logo shown below will cost $15 per clothing item. You do not have to pay the digitizing fee of $50 with the Colorado Springs vendor at Tees in Time (see one of the business cards below).
The digitizing cost was paid last year in Feb 2023 when 3 T-Shirts were giving out to individuals for completing the Interests Survey during an in-person Section meeting. The shirts below are samples from Dr Santiago.
Click on image below to go to the Tees-In-Time Website for more info.
1. VIDEO SUMMARY OF ACHIEVEMENTS. For a short 6-minute video summary of IEEE History and Achievements during the 2019-2022 and given to the IEEE Region 5 on 9 September 2022, please visit: IEEE Region 5 Achievements Forum, 9 September 2022
2. UPCOMING AND RECENT PAST EVENTS. For a listing of upcoming and most recent past events in the each of the society chapters, please visit this link: News. For convenience, you can also find upcoming events on the left side panel of the home page at when viewed on a desktop (or at the bottom of the home page when viewed on a smart phone)
3. VISION, MISSION, STRATEGIC GOALS. For a slide show of IEEE Pikes Peak Section’s Vision, Mission and Strategic Goals, please visit: About the Section.
4. DIGITAL FLIPBOOKS/VIDEOS ON SELECTED PRESENTATIONS FROM SECTION CHAPTERS/GROUPS. Based on the presentations generated from the Pikes Peak Section societies and groups, we also provided digital flipbooks and/or videos to the society and group pages shown below:
- Webpage of Digital Flipbooks and Video Links of Speaker Presentations from the Computer Society
- Webpage of Digital Flipbooks and/or Videos of Speaker Presentations from the Life Member Affinity Group
5. SECTION CHAPTERS. The section added dedicated web pages for the following chapters/society/groups. Click on the hyperlinked text below for more information.
- Computer Society
- Joint Circuits and Systems/Electronic Devices Society
- Life Member Affinity Group
- Magnetics Society
- Power and Energy Society
6. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT. For a section with web resources on professional development for engineers, please visit Professional Development. When you visit the web page, tab sections include: Licensed Engineer (by current Region 5 Director, Bob Becknel), IEEE Senior Membership, Young Professional Leadership, Managing Change, Past 50 Years on Change, Center for Leadership Excellence (CLE), 2022 IEEE Day, Character: Pyramid of Success, Engineering Management Institute (EMI) Resources
7. GROWTH MINDSET FOR STUDENTS. There is a web resources section on the Growth Mindset (Including Leadership and Entrepreneurial Mindset) for Students with videos/playlists. The contents contain the following headings
- Engineering Unleashed: Tab Sections include: Mindset for Success, Kern Entrepreneurial Engineering Network (KEEN) framework, Video Series of Engineering Mindset, KEEN’zine, KEEN talks, 2021 KEEN Plenary Talks, Remote Teaching Resources, Student & Faculty Video Testimonials, Industry Validation Videos, and IEEE Links
- Skillset And Mindset: Tab Sections include: Demystifying Leadership, Passion for Excellence, Character for Excellence, Young Professional Leadership, FE Prep Tips, Leadership Development, 2022 IEEE Day
- Student Activities: To help generate project ideas for student branches the tab Sections include past activities of students: 2022 UCCS IEEE Day, USAFA Senior Design, Student Projects, Underwater Robotics, What-If Festival, Space Foundation, Disney Theme Parks, Solar Tour and Expo, Engineering Week, Student Made Video & More, Try Engineering
- IEEE and Other Videos: Tab Sections include: IEEE Spectrum on Robotics, Quadcopter Playlist, Women-In-Engineering Videos, Leadership Series – Young Professionals, Keys to Being a Successful Engineer, Engineering Career Takeaways
8. COMMUNITY OUTREACH: The Community Outreach section includes: Global Humanitarian Outreach, Industry/Government Outreach, National Museum of WWII Aviation, IEEE Student Branches at Colorado State University – Pueblo (CSU-P) University of Colorado, Colorado Springs (UCCS), Colorado Technical University (CTU) and United States Air Force Academy (USAFA).
9. PHOTO GALLERIES: For selected photo galleries of past events, visit Photo Galleries. Tab Sections include: May 2019: USAF Academy Senior Design Projects, Feb 2020: MRAM Technology, July 2022: National Museum of WWII Aviation, Aug 2022: EXCOM Meeting, Sep 2022: Power Grid Upgrade in Africa, Oct 2022: IEEE Day at UCCS
10. ARCHIVE: For a visual and historical archive of past events, Archive. Tab Sections are labelled as [2022], [2021],[2020], [2019], [Pre-2019]
11. CONTACT US: For email contact for officer positions with the section, please visit Contact Us.