Archived Announcements
Welcome to the IEEE Pikes Peak Section!
We recently added dedicated web pages for the following chapters/society/groups. Click on the hyperlinked text for more information.
- Computer Society
- Joint Circuits and Systems/Electronic Devices Society
- Life Member Affinity Group
- Magnetics Society
- Power and Energy Society
Based on the content generated from the Pikes Peak Section societies and groups, we also provided digital flipbooks and/or videos to the society and group pages shown below:
- Webpage of Digital Flipbooks and Video Links of Speaker Presentations from the Computer Society
- Webpage of Digital Flipbooks and/or Videos of Speaker Presentations from the Life Member Affinity Group
Note: Please be patient as it takes a minute or two to load the flipbooks and videos. Some videos take time to load due to bandwidth-limited websites.
You will also find the latest and reported meetings or events from the section here. Any upcoming meetings can be found on the left column of this home page.
Finally, we provided a dedicated section on the Entrepreneurial Mindset for Students and Faculty. The multi-media content will provide graduating IEEE students a competitive edge during a job interview. The Entrepreneurial Mindset working in tandem with the technical skillset is based on the Kern Entrepreneurial Engineering Network (KEEN) framework, also found at Engineering Unleashed website. The web section that was developed contains:
Student Videos on Engineers Make A Difference | Student Activities | Engineering Unleashed | IEEE Videos and Other Videos
Archived Events for 2022 can be found here.
Note: Click image below to enlarge.
Below is Dr Warrick’s talking points on leadership. Note you can enlarge to full screen by clicking on the square-like icon found on the middle portion of the controls at the top of the pdf flipbook. Please be patient as it takes less than a minute to load the flipbook. You can also download the pdf here.
In this webinar, Dr Warrick discusses the importance of change management and equips you with tools to successfully do so.
(45) Warrick Webinar: How Skilled are You and Your Organization at Managing Change? – YouTube
For being the recipient of the 2022 MGA Achievement Award in Region 5, well-deserved congratulations go to one of our leaders in the Pikes Peak Section
Chair, Life Member Affinity Group (LMAG)
IEEE Pikes Peak Section
“For exemplary leadership and distinguished contributions in promoting IEEE activities at the Section, Council, and Region levels. “
David is a very energetic and valuable advisor to the Section Chair who volunteered as Chair, Life Member Affinity Group (LMAG) Chapter. He collaborated closely with LMAG and Computer Society Chapters in helping to revitalize them as well as delivering quality presentations to the Section. He provided future Section and Chapter Chairs a foundation of documented events with multi-media content for others to follow with a gallery of digital flipbooks and embedded videos serving as one of many examples to inspire future volunteer leaders and members.
While assuming his regional responsibilities, David collaborated closely with LMAG and Computer Society Chapters across the Regions having a global impact in helping to revitalize many chapters. He provided a foundation of documented events for others to further inspire future volunteer leaders and members. His actions are for others to build and improved, especially at the Section-level, while assuming major and numerous leadership roles shown below at the Region Level.
Leadership Roles:
Chair, Life Member Affinity Group (LMAG), Pikes Peak Section (2019-Present)
IEEE Region 5, Pikes Peak North Area LMAG Coordinator in 2019
IEEE Region 5 LMAG Coordinator, 2020-2021
IEEE Life Member Committee Member, 2021-2022
IEEE Life Member Activities Member, 2021-2022
IEEE Life Member Committee Member Activities coordinator for Life Member Committee, 2021-2022
IEEE Computer Society Region 5/6 Coordinator, 2020-2021
IEEE Computer Society Chair of Geographic Activities Committee and Vice Chair of Computer Society Member and Geographical Activities Board
Met with Former State Senator & State Congressman, Kent Lambert on his doctorate and practicum topic, A Systems Engineering Examination of a Cryptographically-Secure Logistics Provisioning Enterprise with a Distributed Ledger Management Services Enterprise, on 6 Dec 2022 (Tues) at First Watch on North Academy, near Chapel Hills. Discussed a variety of topics including: blockchain technology and future talks with the IEEE Pikes Peak Section on cybersecurity.
Note: Click on photo to enlarge.
Below is a presentation from Dr John Santiago presented at the 14th Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, held at the United States Air Force Academy (USAFA) on 17 Nov 2022.
In celebration of IEEE Day, the IEEE Pikes Peak Section visited the University of Colorado, Colorado Springs (UCCS) IEEE Student Branch to talk about “Why A Technical Skill Set May Not Be Enough “by Dr John Santiago and “Going Pro” by Mr. Daniel Thomson.
For Daniel Thomson presentation, he provides reasons why IEEE is a good return-on-investment (ROI) as well as a discussion of the benefits of attending the Rising Stars Conference, held every January at Las Vegas. Young Professionals and IEEE Student members are highly encouraged to attend. Please see your student branch advisor for details. Due to budget constraints, one student per student branch may attend.
Rising Stars Conference and Leadership presentation of slides and video (no audio) can be found here.

More Info: The Fundamentals and Energy Implications of Bitcoin Mining : vTools Events (
- Please fill out our event survey link so we can improve our future events, and provide more events within your interest.
- Please find link to the recording for the event today at:
- Kindly find link to the slides presented today is at:

Date/Time: 27 Sep 2022: 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm
Location: 4110 North Academy Blvd (Old Chicago), Colorado Springs , CO 80918
Slide Show Presentation from Russ Bogardus

Date/Time: 28 Sep 2022: 10:00 am to 11:00 am (MST)
- Link to the recording for the event today is at:
- Link:
- Passcode: 1a662%JR or please contact Dr John Santiago if you are having trouble getting access.
- Link to the slides presented today is at:
An EXCOM Meeting was held on 23 Aug 2022. The primary focus for the meeting was understanding the budgeting process for student simulation projects with regards to the National Museum of WWII Aviation. The proposed project was presented by David Bondurant, Life Member Affinity Group (LMAG) Chair and John Reinert, Section Treasurer, explained the budgeting process to all of the members. The meeting clarified the budgeting process for future propostals involving outreach or other activities. John Reinert intends to provide more guidance on David Bondurant’s proposal. The guidance will include a blank project proposal form (the Region PACE Project form) along with a filled-out example for the Science Olympiad. David also mentioned there are forms for the Computer Society and Life Members. John will also do a summary follow-up to the EXCOM. Basically, reiterating that the EXCOM members are supporting the project in concept and will need to see the proposal. This meeting and follow-up activities will serve in documenting the budget process.
UPDATE: As discussed above, you can find a blank project proposal form (the Region PACE Project form) and filled-out example for the Science Olympiad here.
A joint Life Member Affinity Group, Computer Society and Section meeting was held on 28 July 2022 to hear a presentation on simulation projects for the National Museum of WWII Aviation. A simulation project was proposed to involve IEEE Student Branches and Section members. The presentation was given by Verne Patterson from the museum.
The Museum has involved 110 University of Colorado-Colorado Springs engineering students over the last 7 years in the development of it’s interactive exhibits. One example is Kevyn Kelso, a computer engineering major who enrolled in a class called Senior Design Project. He chose to work at the Museum for his final project and was assigned the Norden Bombsight Simulator Project team. Past students were involved with creating a 3-D printed replica of the Norden Bombsight used by bombardiers to accurately land bombs. Kevyn joined 4 other students in developing the computer imaging of a B-17 dropping bombs on a target using real physics for bomb trajectory based on inputs from the replica Norden Bombsight.
A status update about the Pikes Peak Section was given on 30 July 2020 as well as a presentation of the AMES Power Plant. Below are slides of the vision, mission, and strategic goals. More information on the status update can be found here.
REGISTER: Meet the Candidates for IEEE President – Hosted by Region 5

Thursday, January 28, 2021, 8:13 pm | (UTC-06:00) Central Time (US Canada)
IEEE Initiative on Privacy and Security Using Blockchain Technology
Recording password: (This recording does not require a password.)