Week of Events
Courtney Wright – The Career Development Path for Systems Engineers and How it is Affected by Being a Woman.
Courtney Wright – The Career Development Path for Systems Engineers and How it is Affected by Being a Woman.
Courtney gives her background and experience with creating career development paths. She discusses: - Why is it useful to have a path or plan? - Why is it especially useful for women? - Can a plan from outside your company be relevant? - What is different for a systems engineer’s development versus that of another... Read more
YP: First 2025 Membership Year MD Webcast
YP: First 2025 Membership Year MD Webcast
Using Predictive Engineering for Multiple Response Optimization of an Integrated Circuit
Using Predictive Engineering for Multiple Response Optimization of an Integrated Circuit
Engineers traditionally use deterministic modeling in their tasks, but challenges for developing and optimizing products and processes inspire us to venture beyond deterministic to probabilistic or stochastic modeling. In this continuation from the prior presentation, a case study applying predictive engineering for the optimization of 4 requirements for an integrated circuit (Integrated Alternator Regulator for... Read more