
The IEEE Pikes Peak Section (PPS) is revitalizing a recognition and awards program in 2022 to help recognize active and engaged volunteer members and students in the IEEE Pikes Peak Section in the section.  Here are some recent recognition events or awards for the IEEE Pikes Peak Section.

In addition, the PPS is in the early stages in developing more incentive awards and recognition with regards to self-leadership, team leadership and organizational leadership.  You can find more information at:

Congratulations to the following new IEEE Senior Members.  As these new members receive their plaque, they will be posted here!

Also, if you want to find out how to become a senior member, you can visit here:  Senior Member Application | IEEE Pikes Peak Section.

If you have questions or need to two persons for endorsements,, please contact,  Dr John Santiago, David Bondurant, or visit the contact-us webpage.

Below is an example of a IEEE Life Senior Member plaque from Dr. John Santiago as Section Chair (Jan 2019 – Feb 2023).  

During 2021-2022, Dr. Santiago applied both as a senior member and a life member.

Congrats to Gene Freeman for Winning the Jim Leorard Award!

This award will be given to an individual MEMBER who has performed outstanding service to the Section, Region, and/or IEEE that promotes the objectives of the IEEE.

Submitted by Dr John Santiago and endorsed by Richard Painter and Russ Bogardus, David Bondurant receives the 2022 MGA Achievement Award.

The Achievement award is to recognize individuals, or a team, involved with Member and Geographic Activities (MGA) and its organizational units for singular achievement in the development and completion of a project(s), or activity(ies), directed to the fulfillment of one or more of the MGA goals. This award is designed to recognize those substantive projects or achievements of a relatively short nature (one to three years), but that have left an undeniable imprint on the fabric of regional operations.
The accomplishments of the candidate should be of “significant performance” and should have made a distinguishing contribution to IEEE. The focus should be on volunteering for IEEE, MGA, or its organizational units, not on professional achievement.

2019-2022 Highlights. This web section highlights key initiatives providing services and content to help members in the Pikes Peak Section progress in their careers as well as having links to navigate various activities and content on the website.

2019-2022, State of the Pikes Peak Section.  This event was an in-person meeting held at Old Chicago on 16 Feb 2023.  Online digital flipbooks are posted to document the event.   Certificates of Appreciation were given to key leaders within the Section as well as the Pikes Peak Section Award Plaques.  A photo Album as a digital flipbook of award recipients is posted.  Digital flipbooks of presentations by Daniel Thomson and John Santiago are posted as well.  Daniel Thomson, Young Professional and Student Branch Coordinator, provided a report of the 2023 Rising Stars Conference.   Dr. John Santiago provided key highlights of events and initiatives that occurred during 2019-2022 as well as a brief discussion on leadership & Engineering week.

In summary,

  • The presentations and award photos of the meeting are provided as digital flipbooks.
  • Results of the survey are presented as a digital flipbook as well.
  • An IEEE embroidered T-shirt drawing of three t-shirts was held for those who submitted a survey to help with the transition and succession leadership planning.

2019-2022, Meetings.   This section provides a list of meetings between the beginning of 2019 and the end of 2022.  It has active links so you can see the description of past meetings.

The website serves multiple purposes:  automated real-time Section events & reports via vtools, resume/CV of Section, historical archive of Section activities, and information insurance…that is it’s there when you need it.

Plans to migrate the Section website to Region 5 are forthcoming:  migrating from to  Hopefully, the migration is a smooth one.