
2017 MOVE Volunteer Appreciation

A sincere thank you to all the volunteers who contributed to making IEEE-USA MOVE Community Outreach successful in 2017. Volunteers from Region 5 are highlighted.

Tableau – the new SAMIEE

Some of you may have recently been invited to try out the new SAMIEE/OBIEE/database viewer called Tableau. Tonight was my turn at the wheel. I missed the tutorial which happened during my extensive travels this summer but got a link to the dashboard and decided …

2016 Region 5 Annual Award Nominations due February 17, 2017

IEEE Region 5 is accepting nominations for Outstanding Large Section, Small Section, Member, Educator, Large Student Branch, Small Student Branch, Student, Branch Counselor, Large Company, Small Company, Young Professional, and Individual Achievement. A short description of each and nomination forms, as well as the Call …

Teach Electricity and Electronics in the WV mountains

Do you want to raise the awareness and understanding of technology and its impact on society
to middle and high school students from around the world? The IEEE emeritbadges Project is a
global pre-university technology education program for boys and girls. emeritbadges has
developed a program to foster …

New IEEE President Elect

Region 5’s James A. Jefferies, Senior Member, has been selected by the members as the 2017 IEEE President-Elect. Pending acceptance of the IEEE Tellers’ Committee report by the IEEE Board of Directors on 20-21 November, Jefferies will begin serving as IEEE president on 1 January …

Officer Rosters

The IEEE Region 5 homepage has a menu on the right which has links to a) the Region 5 excom roster, and b) Section Officers. In the past, these two links took you to a simple list of contact data for either the excom or …

Meetup (Social Media)

You may or may not have heard about the social media site which has been around oh, about fifteen years. That’s a long time in social media years. I joined up years ago to get event information in my local area but recently found …

WordPress login URL changed

Sections that have a WordPress website from IEEE, be aware that the login page for website administrators has changed from …/wp-admin to…/dashboard/ where … is your website name. This does not affect ordinary user access to your website, only administrative access.

2015 Region 5 Annual Award Nominations due 10 Feb 2016

IEEE Region 5 is accepting nominations for Outstanding Large Section, Small Section, Member, Educator, Large Student Branch, Small Student Branch, Student, Branch Counselor, Large Company, Small Company, Young Professional, and Individual Achievement. A short description of each and nomination forms, as well as the Call …