Please join us for our February 2025 CVT meeting.
We will again meet on the University of Texas at Dallas campus in the SPN.1 building.
Our meeting talk will be 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM, lunch will be available starting around 11:30 AM.
Lunch: We continue to provide a lunch option for our meetings.
Prepay via the IEEE website,
IEEE Members $15.00
IEEE Life Members $10.00
Non-IEEE Members $20.00
UTD ECE students: $5.00 (after the first 5 – which are at no cost to the student, provide you pre-register)
Pay in person:
IEEE Members $20.00
IEEE Life Members $15.00
Non-IEEE Members $25.00
Our lunch prices have increased significantly due to price increases from the vendor. We continue to supplement the cost for IEEE members.
February 18 meeting, UT Dallas SPN.1, registration opens at 11:30 AM, talk begins at 12:00 PM
Title: “Autonomous Vehicle Research at UTD”
Speaker: Dr. Justin Ruths, Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Systems Engineering, UT Dallas
Date: February 18, 2025
Location: UTD Synergy Park North Building; 3000 Waterview, Richardson, TX
Directions: NE Corner Synergy Park Blvd and Steward Dr.
Lunch Cost: see below.
Abstract: Dr. Justin Ruths will talk about the work he and his team are doing on autonomous driving. The AV work is entirely an undergraduate research effort. Dr. Ruths will give an overview and then have two students talk more specifically about the work they are doing.
Bio: Dr Justin Ruths is broadly drawn to understand the behavior of – and determine how to control – systems that move. These dynamical systems appear in many important areas, types of technologies, and different scales. Some of the ones he is particularly interested in include:
🚐 safety of robotics, in particular autonomous vehicles
😈 security of computer-automated physical processes (process control/manufacturing)
🧠 circuits of neurons in the brain
🔮 population-level human decision making
Pre-registered and paid via the IEEE website:
IEEE Members $15.00
IEEE Life Members $10.00
Non-IEEE Members $20.00
UTD ECE students: $5.00
Pay in person and pre-registered but not yet paid:
IEEE Members $20.00
IEEE Life Members $15.00
Non-IEEE Members $25.00
Anyone not pre-registered will be charged the ‘Guest’ rate.
There is No charge for ‘No Lunch, just attending the talk’