Title: “NPI Mobile’s IoT Strategies to Improve US Infrastructure”
Speaker: Gary Brown, VP Product Management, NPI Mobile
Date: November 15, 2022, Tuesday, Lunch: 11:30 am, Presentation: 12-1 pm
Location: UTD Synergy Park North Building; 3000 Waterview, Richardson, TX
Lunch Cost: Registered IEEE Members: $5. Others and Guests: $15
No charge for ‘No Lunch, just attending’
IEEE Member Registration: Click here.
Abstract: The United States plans to spend $110 billion for construction, repair, and research for roads and bridges. To address this emerging opportunity, NPI Mobile is now designing an IoT Network that will be used to collect Trillions of data points for Artificial Intelligence Systems to improve the USA Infrastructure and help influence climate change decisions. Our patents will allow us to build new Data Networks and operate them on the 4 million miles of paved roads and highways in the USA. Our networks will also include LoRaWAN technology. The AI Systems software will be developed in house and use existing vendor base technology were possible.
BIO: Gary R Brown is responsible for product specifications, marketing, sales support, and the final release of the product to the market. With over 30 years of Product Management experience, Gary is developing the Business Strategy and Product Management plan for the design and implementation of NPI Mobile Products and Services. He has extensive work experience with Verizon (IoT and autonomous vehicles), Metro-Optics (COO, Optical, ATM), Taqua (VP, Sales, IP-based Class 5), Terabridge (COO, soft switch control), DSC (VP, Sales, MCI Account Team) and Nortel. As part of Gary’s 20 years at Nortel, his last assignment was the Assistant VP of Product Management creating product and business plans for IP switches and wireless networks. He was the original product manager for the NORTEL Passport product. He started his career as a Data Communications Engineer with Bell Canada. Gary has a Bachelor of Applied Science Degree in Systems Design Engineering from the University of Waterloo.