Title: “Connecting Space Assets to the Internet: Challenges and Solutions”
Speaker: Mohammed Atiquzzaman, Ph.D., School of Computer Science, Univ. Oklahoma
Date: October 5, 2022, Lunch: 11:30 am, Presentation: 12-1 pm
Location: UTD Synergy Park North Building; 3000 Waterview, Richardson, TX; NE Corner Synergy Park Blvd and Steward Dr.
Lunch Cost: Guests: $15; IEEE Member: $10 Free, IEEE Life and Student Members: $5
No charge for ‘No Lunch, just attending’
Data communications between Earth and devices on spacecraft, such as satellites, have traditionally been carried out through dedicated links. Shared links using Internet Protocol-based communication offers a number of advantages over dedicated links. The movement of devices on spacecrafts however gives rise to mobility management issues. This talk will discuss various mobility management solutions for extending the Internet connection to devices on the spacecraft. The talk will provide an overview of the network layer-based solution being developed by the Internet Engineering Task Force and compare it with the transport layer-based solution that has been developed at the University of Oklahoma in conjunction with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Network in motion is an extension of the host mobility protocols for managing the mobility of networks which are in motion, such as those in airplanes and trains. The application of networks in motion will be illustrated for terrestrial and space environments.
Mohammed Atiquzzaman, Ph.D., is the Edith J. Gaylord Professor at the School of Computer Science, University of Oklahoma, Norman, Okla. He obtained his M.S. and Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering and Electronics from the University of Manchester (UK). Dr. Atiquzzaman is the current Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Journal of Networks and Computer Applications. He has previously served, and often chaired, other IEEE conferences and publications. He received the IEEE’s Communication Society’ Fred W. Ellersick Prize, IEEE Distinguished Technical Achievement Award, plus other achievement awards. He is co-Author of the book “Performance of TCP/IP over ATM networks”. His current research interests are in areas of transport protocols, wireless and mobile networks, ad hoc networks, satellite networks, power-aware networking, and optical communications. His research has been funded by National Science Foundation (NSF), National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), U.S. Air Force, Cisco, Honeywell, Oklahoma Department of Transportation and Oklahoma Highway Safety Office.
CVT Contact: Jim Gunn