Speaker: Mike Fix of AT&T Network Cloud
Topic: “Common NFVI Telco Taskforce (CNTT)”
Presentation Download: Mike Fix, AT&T Presentation. A URL for more information on this topic is available on the last slide of the presentation.
Abstract: Establish NFVI Reference Model, Architecture, & Verification Lifecycle (NFVI, VNF, CNF) in order to normalize the number NFVI architectures to enable a community-based approach to VNF | CNF validation thus benefitting the broader Telco community
BIO: Mike Fix is a BSEE & MBA IT Professional with 25 years supporting & leading Transition Management, Cellular Network Engineering Design and Performance, and Software Delivery Quality Engineering (Testing) of Application Program Interfaces (APIs) both Performance and Functional. Currently, providing Quality Engineering expertise to architect a verification and validation program equipped to check conformance of an OpenStack CNTT reference based architecture for the open source CNTT (task force) program.
Date: February 18, 2020, Registration/Lunch: 11:30am; Presentation: 12-1pm
Cost: IEEE Members: $10; IEEE Student and Life Members: $5; Others: $15
Location: UT Dallas SPN.1 Building, 3000 Waterview, Richardson, TX 75080
Please Register/RSVP: here, Please Pay at Door
UT Dallas Requires Parking Pass; Will be provided in final event emails.
Please Email us any dietary restriction on registration.
CVT Contact: jimgunn@ieee.org