Speaker: Pete DeNagy, President/Co-Founder, IoT America
Topic: The Internet of Small Packets / How small Low Power Wide Area Network packets will deliver BIG results in IoT.
Download Presentation: DeNagy_LPWAN_in_IoT Presentation
Date: Tuesday, Feb 19, 2019
Time: Registration/Lunch: 11:30am; Presentation: 12:00 Noon – 1:00 PM
Cost: IEEE Members: $10; Students/IEEE Life Members: $5; Others: $15
UT Dallas Campus: Synergy Park North building (SPN.1); the address is 3000 Waterview Parkway, Richardson Texas 75080. It appears at the top-center of the campus map.
UTD Parking Pass Required: Park only in a GREEN space. Please RSVP for Parking Pass.
RSVP: Cheri Dickey at cheridickey@aol.com
Abstract: There have been predictions of more than 50 billion sensors/devices in our connected world. The interesting aspect of this is that 70% of the data requirements are very small packets that measure repetitive states of action and or values based on performance or time series. Oil companies just want to know if a pump is running, a tank is empty of close to overflow and if the drill bit is moving. Farmers and ranchers want to understand simple things like soil PH, moisture content, nutrient levels, or the location of a cow. Manufactures want to see of a station is manned or a line is moving. Sensors to do this are simple and require little bandwidth for the packet. Conversely, there are lots of protocols that will do the job. We will discuss how, why and where communication stacks like Wi-Fi, ZigBee, Zwave, LoRaWAN, UMG. RPMA. Weightless, 2G, 3G, LTE, CatM1, NB IoT and 5G all play their roles and how their design intents impact what you need to deploy where.
BIO: Peter L. DeNagy is the President/Co-Founder of Internet of Things America, LLC, a MSP focused on managed IoT connectivity and IoT solution integration focused on servicing all rural America. He was, most recently, the Managing Principal of Acommence Advisors, Inc., a technology industry consultancy focused on Innovation. Additionally, Peter is the immediate past chair the IoT Forum for the Technology Association of North Texas, “Tech Titans” and sat on Tech Titan’s Board. Formerly, Peter was the US General Manager for Enterprise Mobility Enablement at Samsung Telecommunications America, (STA). He developed Samsung’s GTM enterprise strategy. Under his purview his teams developed the vision for Samsung SAFE TM as well as the initial value framework for Samsung KNOX TM .