Technical Presentation:
A 5G Overview
– Anthony Soong, Chief Scientist for Wireless Research and Standards at Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd
DATE: Tuesday 16 May 2017
TIME: Luncheon starts at 11:30 a.m.
Main Presentation is from 12:00-1:00p.m.
Cafe Max
1600 Alma Road Richardson, TX 75081
Additional parking behind restaurant.
COST: Lunch
Students and IEEE Life Members: $5
IEEE Members: $10
Non-Members: $15
Please RSVP to Cheryl Dickey
“A 5G Overview”
The new connected digital society with varieties of heterogeneous services (MBB and the IoT) provision has brought unprecedented challenges to future radio access and mobile core networks. Technology and spectrum innovations have to meet those diversified requirements for specific application scenarios within an integrated/unified radio access technology framework. This talk will illustrate the transformation from spectrum efficiency to service-specific evaluation metrics needed. Key technology enablers will also be analyzed and evaluated to accelerate business success of 5G and the IoT.
Anthony C. K. Soong (S 88-M 91-SM 02-F 14) received the Ph.D. degree in electrical and computer engineering from the University of Alberta. . He is currently the Chief Scientist for Wireless Research and Standards at Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd, in the US. He currently serves on the Engineering College Industrial Advisory Board of The University of North Texas. He had served as Secretary and the board member of OPNFV (2014-2016), the chair for 3GPP2 TSG-C NTAH (the next generation radio access network technology development group) from 2007-2009 and vice chair for 3GPP2 TSG-C WG3 (the physical layer development group for CDMA 2000) from 2006-2011. Prior to joining Huawei, he was with the systems group for Ericsson Inc and Qualcomm Inc. His research group is actively engaged in the research, development and standardization of the next generation cellular system. His research interests are in statistical signal processing, robust statistics, wireless communications, spread spectrum techniques, multicarrier signaling, multiple antenna techniques, network virtualization, SDN and physiological signal processing.
Dr. Soong is a Fellow of the IEEE. He has published numerous scientific papers and has more than 100 patents granted or pending. He received the 2013 IEEE Signal Processing Society Best Paper Award and the 2005 award of merit for his contribution to 3GPP2 and cdma2000 development. He has served on the advisory broad of 2014 IEEE Communication Theory Workshop, Steering Committee of IEEE Int. Workshop on HetSNet and on the technical program committee, as well as, chaired at numerous major conferences in the area of communications engineering. He has acted as guest editor for the IEEE Communications Magazine and IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications.