Title: “Blockchain: Next-Generation Network Shared Telephone Number and ID Management”
Speaker: Noah Rafalko, TSG Global, founder and CEO of
Date: March 15, 12pm-1pm
Location: Webinar, Details Below
Even with FCC mandated STIR/SHAKEN tokenized validation technology deployed to combat robocalls, consumers still suffer from unwanted calls and text messages while valid enterprise communications are being blocked.
While recent industry mandates (such as 10DLC) have taken small strides towards better understanding business identity and use-cases for messaging, the methods fall short. Our future communication network relies on shared, decentralized software using blockchain-powered Telephone Number and IDentity (TNID) between enterprises to solve-for-identity with a universal digitized self-sovereign ID within the telecommunications ecosystem.
A communications visionary for over 20 years, Noah Rafalko is a founder and CEO of TSG Global, Inc., which provides voice, messaging and identity management consulting services for SaaS companies, and large enterprises.
A security nerd at heart, Rafalko created the first Enterprise Telecom Identity solution called TNID (Telephone Number ID). Enabling a secure and trusted chain of custody record between Enterprise, their vendors, customers, and regulators using blockchain and cryptography.
As an inventor, Rafalko holds two Telecom Blockchain Patents, which will evolve the uses of telephone numbers into a Self-Sovereign ID. Attaching your communications and IOT devices into a secure digital identity record.
Rafalko is also an active participant in several trade associations and standards organizations, which support the global telecommunication communications industry. In 2018, Rafalko was certified in Blockchain Technologies by MIT Sloan School of Management, specializing in the application of blockchain technologies to telecommunications network services. Rafalko lives in the greater Boston area and travels frequently to speak at trade shows and events.
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